It’s the time of year that families start spending more time inside the home. Within the Air Conditioning system, left untreated, you'll find nasty bugs.
These microorganisms breed in the condensation tray, hiding in the darkness, wallowing in the damp conditions. As they quickly multiply, they create the slime that can be found in the drain line, evaporator pan and condensate pump, this causes the pan to overflow and your air conditioning to break down
Change your air filters regularly to prevent slime build up. Air can't pass through a dirty filter and the motor has to work harder. The air quality will be affected. If anyone in your family suffers from allergies or asthma their symptoms can be exacerbated. We can STOP bugs and slime NOW!
Eliminate bacteria, viruses, mold and allergens which circulate through the ventilation system. One Air Purifier installed in each of your Air Conditioning systems treats your Whole Home
There is no need for individual room air purifiers!
Breathe cleaner, fresher air
Install an Air Purification system with All-Pro during November 2021 and get a FREE Tune Up
Includes a chemically treated drain line to get your system off to the best start (not to be combined with any other offers or discounts)